
Exclusive antique black forest clock63cm  long 45cm wide 13cm deptharound 1900 Swiss or Germanwood carvedwith a fish and...
Huge Clock set with candelabras from HollandBlue white delft pottterycirca 1930 candelabras  are 68cm tall each and clock...
 Gorgeous German Bisque group clockwith kids playing near a lion fountaincirca 1960 Germanmarked at bottomclockwork needs to be...
Stunning set from France porcelain clock set with matching side urns / vaseswith romantic scenes on cobalt blue...
Antique Art nouveau french faience ClockWith the typical art nouveau linings Floral theme green and gold 57 cm...
BOCH faience antique clock setmarked with boch stampdelft blue white design with floral and bird decorbronze lion heads...
An ART DECO french clocksolid marble with spelter gold gilt sheep dog couplevery heavy piece , i think...
Antique Belgian  Clock set with candelabrasbronzeall marked luppens, a well known antique dealer from Bruxelles in XXcentury very...
An ART DECO French sculptureGiant art deco clock made 1937 as the plaque on front says with the...
Very exclusive and rare to find  clock Brass with Lion heads fountains and a lady with dog Clock...
Very exclusive and rare to find  clock bronze  Clock with eagle paws and matching candelabras  FHS movement dated...
Antique french  Clock set with matching urnsspelter bronze on a marble basecirca 1930 a plaque on it with...