Antique Black forest wood carved clocktop piece with birds family and very detailed wood carving19thc ,clock system also...
antique large oval glass form globe 19thcglass itself is 54 cm height and base 25 x x 15.5...
antique french bronze mantel clock setwith matching side candelabrasdecorated with dragons candelabras 38.5 x 17 cm and clock...
Antique boch blue white pottery mantel clockwith brass putti angels decor at the side handles57 cm height and...
antique glass globe domeoval formglass is 25 x16 cm at the base and 22 cm height middle point...
antique Bronze french mantel clockVery detailed exception mantel clockwith caryatids, lion heads ,sphinx64 x 32 x 17 cm...
antique Bronze french mantel clock with lion heads57 x 36 x 20,5 cmwith key and pendulumclock winds and ticks...
Vintage 70s mantel clock Bronze & marble italian 1970s 60 cm height and 34 cm wide with faun...
Antique Exception one of a kind wall clock 19thcWood carved frame and dinanderie copper embossed putti decor works...
Gorgeous antique napoleon III clockblack lacquered wood and coloured inlay decors very beautiful piececomes with key and pendulum,...
gorgeous german table clock with hand paint floral decor comes with key& pendulum, works when i wind up...
italian porcelain mantel clockwhite with floral decor 48 x 20 cm 1970sclock ticks for a minute and then...

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