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Top antique pieces from a parisian housewood carved putti figurines holding cornets with original polychromie19thc50 cm height and...
antique ceramic chalk statue of saint philomena31 cm heightbegin XXth century very beautiful version
antique 19thc Enamel inlay crucifixwith spelter metal crucifix on blue velvet back plaque28 x19 cm totally good condition...
vintage 1950 metal crucifixwith blue stonestop part seems to be silver lacquered 40 x 17 cm
French 1950s marble crucifixwith metal corpus 53 x 18,5 cm good condition, 1 bone skull is gone
Antique french crucifixbegin XXth centurywood carved cross and vieux paris porcelain corpus62 cm height and 24 cm widegood...
antique rare to find statue of ECCE HOMO bust christ42 cm height and 29 cm wide1920sslight traces wear...
Antique ceramic chalk statue FAther DAMIAAN signed CLAERHOUT 1920s 35,5 cm height good condition with slight wear finish...
antique belgian art deco bronze bust statue christ on marble base19,5 cm height and 18 cm wide1930s
antique Flanders school paintingoil on panel Landscape decor i left below it seems to have a signature but...
French art deco chandelierwood /brass/ glass shadestypical piece from 1930/1950 periodwith 2 colours glass shadesis for e27 bulbs...
antique wood cut chapel inside you can place a statue of ùax 25 cm heightwood cut, probably made...

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