New Arrivals

 rare to find  chalk statue of saint rosa de Lima, Peru 46.5 cm heightgood conditionbegin XXth centurycame from...
extremely rare to find neo gothic wood carved chapel form with saints i think it are saint anne...
Antique vieux paris bisque porcelain holy water font statuei think it is saint john the baptist with sheep...
antique large chalkware statue madonna with child47 cm height1920/1930 good condition with slight wear finish  
Antique Letu mauger marked bisque porcelain holy water font statuei think it is saint john the baptist24.5 cm...
vintage 1970s porcelain de limoges porcelain bonbonniere boxmarked20 cm diameter and 17.5 cm height good condition ,small chip...
rare antique wood carved statue of our lady of flanderswith symbol of flanders, lion next to her55 cm...
vintage porcelain boxliddedfloral decor1970s18 cm diameter and 15 cm heightgood condition  
LARGE antique chalkware nodding angel  church money coin box rare to find piece A coin can be thrown...
antique bronze tazzawith relief putti romantic decor in medaillon middlerim decorated with mythological winged dragon / lionsvery nice...
vintage 1950s Wood carved french wall barometer with dragons good condition with minimal wear thermo meter works ,...
antique top piece of great quality french white glazed porcelain 38 cm height and 14 cm wide gorgeous...